James Benya
Mr. Benya’s career began with the Smith Group in Detroit
where he won his first lighting design awards. He took
over Luminae Lighting Consultants in San Francisco in
1983, establishing the West Coast’s seminal lighting design
practice and winning the Edison Award an unprecedented
5 times between 1984 and 1992. In 1995 he established
Benya Lighting Design in Portland, Oregon, winning the
2003 and 2009 Edison Awards of Environmental Design
and the 2009 Edison Award. He recently was awarded a
special AIA recognition for his pro bono work on the San
Antonio Haven for Hope project.
In 2010, James joined Deborah Burnett in a special
consultancy to address the emerging health and light field.
In addition to lighting design awards in several
international programs, James has received a number of
significant honors in his career. Included is being elected
Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society (1991) and
the International Association of Lighting Designers (2005).
Consulting Practice –
Mr. Benya provides expert and educational consulting
services including expert witness and testimony, product
design and development, class development and teaching,
technical writing and codes and standards development.
He is a past member of ASHRAE 90.1 and 189.1
committees and serves as principal consultant to the
California Energy Commission. He has been contributing
to Architectural Lighting Magazine since 1987.
Community –
James is a Fellow of IES and has served as chair of the
Energy Committee, the Education Committee, and the
Certification committee in over 35 years of active
participation. He is a Fellow of IALD and has served on its
Board and as Director of Education and External Affairs.
He is a Board member of the International Association of
Lighting Designers. As a public speaker, he is in demand
throughout the world, including a record of 51
presentations at LightFair International and as co-leader of
the Velux International Daylighting Conference in Europe.