Scott Margolin
Scott Margolin is the International Technical Director for Westex Inc. Scott attended Franklin & Marshall College and the University of Delaware. Prior to joining Westex in 2000, Scott M. Margolin was a firefighter for six years and then spent 10 years at a major multinational chemical company working in two of its flame resistant fiber businesses. He also spent over four years leading the flash fire segment. Scott has conducted more than 3,200 flash fires and 1,100 arc flashes in labs in the United States, Canada, and Europe; among this research is groundbreaking work creating arcs in real equipment and utilizing high-speed, super-slow-motion cameras to analyze arc flash and PPE performance. He has presented these topics at seminars around the world, including North and South America, Europe, Russia, and Australia. He is a member of numerous NFPA and ASTM committees, including 2112, F-18, and F-23. Scott participates in a number of industry organizations, including Edison Electric Institute, National Safety Council Utilities Division, ASTM, and NFPA. He frequently addresses trade associations and groups regarding electric arc and flash fire hazards, body burn injury, the protective performance of flame resistant clothing, and other related topics.